PokoPeko Mundo+

PokoPeko bring you Mundo+, a project to help start language journeys around the world, no matter what the circumstances. Over the next few months, we’ll be keeping you informed on our drive to provide free language lessons in marginalised communities and to those most in need here and around the world.

Simon Laing/PokoPeko 2021

The whole concept of PokoPeko is one borne of a wonder for the world around us; a sense of purpose derived from an incessant thirst for knowledge and willingness to connect. Our work has seen and continues to see us make connections around the world, in countries as diverse as Japan, Brazil, Switzerland, Paraguay, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, to name just a few. For as much as the the joy that education and connecting people brings is as evident in Asunción as it is in Yokohama, in Cantagalo as it is in Geneva, the opportunity to enjoy it isn’t always as accessible.

Through the growing popularity and awareness of PokoPeko Languages, we’re beyond proud to be able to launch PokoPeko Mundo+. Through Mundo+, we are able to provide free tuition of English and other languages as required to communities, schools and organisations across the globe. We will be forming partnerships with institutions in several countries and constantly looking to create more, in the hope of creating a network of interconnected communities with shared ambitions and, as such, increased resources to reach beyond their particular social and economic obstacles.

Look out for forthcoming exciting projects in Africa and South America, with fascinating contributions from Donnay Ngalasia, Júlio Nogueira, and Ana Tellez-Zaracho, themselves pioneers in leading social and educational projects in their respective communities. The possibilities are limitless and we’re looking forward to sharing their journeys and how proud PokoPeko are to be able to join them. It’s worth bearing in mind that it’s the ever-growing popularity of PokoPeko Learning , Translation and Business Development that have been the base from which this initial dream has grown. Every new student or client adds 15 minutes to the bank of lessons we can provide and without giving too much away, we have over 10 hours per week of tuition available to provide to such worthy and appropriate recipients.

If you know of an organisation that could benefit from the services of PokoPeko Mundo+, we’d love to hear from you at: info@pokopeko.com

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